4 Simple Ways to Boost Engagement on Instagram

If you’re spending hours on your brand’s Instagram profile but not really seeing any results translating into revenue, it’s highly likely that you’re not getting engagement on the app. Engagement is super important as it’s what cements your brand’s presence in the eyes of your customer and makes you memorable. More engagement also means more potential customers!

So what can you do to boost your engagement and create memorable brand experiences? We’re so glad you asked.

1. Interact with your followers

If the extent of your Instagram planning is scheduling a month’s worth of content at a time and letting it run, we’re sorry to say, you are not making the most of your platform. Check in on the comments section and respond to your followers, make sure your Direct Messages aren’t going unread and respond when customers tag you in posts. 

2. Invite conversation via Stories

There are so many ways to create two-way conversation through Stories these days, so make the most of them! Put up a poll to get your followers’ opinion on something, create a quiz to test their knowledge or invite them to partake in a Q&A with the ask me a question function.

3. Leverage user-generated content

Regularly check your tagged photos and repost your favourites. This makes your customers feel seen and contextualises how your product or service is used. The more times you share user-generated content, the more likely users are to, well, generate content, and the higher your follower base’s engagement is with you.

4. Get around Reels!

We’ve saved arguably the best until last. Instagram loves its users to make the most of their most recent features, so it makes sense that Reels are getting a whole lotta love right now. Put your short filmmaking chops to good use and start posting Reels! Reels have been proven to increase engagement, plus they’re a super efficient way to get new traffic to your page. Show off your products, do a lip sync video or partake in the week’s latest trend. 

Pro-tip: Why not double-dip? You’re more likely to get better engagement by sharing Reels to your story.

The Simply Social® App is the best place to track your engagement and ensure you’re getting the most out of your Instagram. Download it today.